Be careful when pulling the ruins, because Zanzil himself is inside (level 46).Īll three of these mobs are non-elite, and were all level 43 if I recall correctly. You can also just swim north along the water up from the beach where you find the Bloodsail Buccaneer boats. Comentario de 99616 Don't know if anyone else noticed this, but it seems like if there are a lot of people doing the quest at the same time the respawn timer for this guy truly sucks. One leads to the Troll Shaman's cave where you continue the "Stranglethorn Fever" quest, and the farthest back leads to the coast where the Ruins of Aboraz are located. 'Ten Thumbs' means you are extremely clumsy. You'll see two small trails on the NE corner of that area. You can get here by going through "Mistvale Valley", where the elder mistvale gorillas are located.

The third part of this quest is to kill Chucky "Then Thumbs", who is located in the "Ruins of Aboraz", near Zanzil himself on the East cost of Stranglethorn.

NOTE: the (X,Y) are for use with an add-on. Chucky was on the side of the ruins facing the beach, just outside the walls in a corner. At Jubawai, Jon-Jon is by the campfire, and Maury is inside a set of walls. It is a good idea to have the "Zanzil's Secret" quest when you do this one, because the mobs surrounding them drop the Zanzil mixtures needed for that quest. I found Jon-Jon and Maury at the Ruins of Jubawai (35,53)&(35,52). There are Zanzil Hunters (undead lvl 42-44), Zanzil Witch Doctors, and Naga's around this camp. I just waved and moved on quickly.)Ĭomentario de AllakhazamJon-Jon the Crow and Maury "Club Foot" Wilkins are in the Ruins of Jubuwai, which is just to the east of the main trail in Stranglethorn. (The only thing close to this was when I soloed an Elder Saltwater Crocolisk at lvl 38 and an orc warrior watched and then cheered at the end when I killed it. This site makes extensive use of JavaScript. This NPC can be found in Stranglethorn Vale. He saluted in response and we parted ways. Chucky 'Ten Thumbs' is a level 43 - 44 NPC that can be found in Stranglethorn Vale. Being unable to speak to him, I bowed and emoted a thanks to him. All three mobs got finished off and I turned around to see the pet's owner was a Tauren! I was surprised to say the least (me being a human paladin). Then someone started shooting the Zanzil Hunter. It's cheap but it works), but half way to killing him a white gorilla starts attacking the Zanzil Hunter (I was like "WTF?") but then moused over it and saw it was someone's pet. I buffed and ran in, concentrating on Maury (intending to kill and loot him, then bubble and run away. Maury had a Zanzil Hunter and a troll caster with him. The other two required me to systematically kill off the whole camp (Jon-Jon added while I was killing a Zanzil Witchdoctor (or whatever the troll casters there are called).

Chucky is the easiest as I only had to fight a Zanzil Naga to get to him and there were no adds during the fight with Chucky himself. Comentario de Allakhazam.especially for a paladin.